- Yellow roses, pink carnations, white alstroemeria and pink asters are accented with solidago and oregonia.
- Delivered in Teleflora's Couture vase.
- Yellow roses, pink carnations, white alstroemeria and pink asters are accented with solidago and oregonia.
- Delivered in Teleflora's Couture vase.
- Yellow roses, pink carnations, white alstroemeria and pink asters are accented with solidago and oregonia.
- Delivered in Teleflora's Couture vase.
- Orientation: All-Around
Created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, this shapely glass vase features graceful contours that complement any bouquet.
Standard - $64.99 $48.74
Deluxe - $74.99 $56.24
Premium - $84.99 $63.74