- Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra.
- Delivered in a Teleflora Color Splash cube.
- Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra.
- Delivered in a Teleflora Color Splash cube.
- Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra.
- Delivered in a Teleflora Color Splash cube.
- Orientation: All-Around
Available exclusively from Teleflora, this fabulous glass cube is white on the inside and amethyst-colored on the outside. It will add a gorgeous splash of color to any occasion and it's great as a candleholder, too!
Standard - $59.99 $44.99
Deluxe - $74.99 $56.24
Premium - $84.99 $63.74