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Teleflora's Halloween Magic Bouquet

  • Standard Full and Lush $64.99 $48.74
  • Deluxe Opulent floral display $74.99 $56.24
  • Premium Luxurious and Majestic $79.99 $59.99
All prices in USD ($)

This bouquet is currently out of season.

There's no trick to this treat! Everyone loves this happy Halloween surprise of lilies, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a sweet ceramic pumpkin jar that later transforms into the perfect Halloween candy container!

  • This magical bouquet features rust-colored asiatic lilies, orange carnations, maroon miniature carnations, brown button spray chrysanthemums, magnolia leaves, burgundy copper beech, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, curly willow and dried brown china millet.
  • Delivered in Teleflora's Halloween Magic Pumpkin container.
  • Orientation: One-Sided