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This bouquet is just bright for any occasion! A bright and sunny medley of flowers is hand-delivered in a brilliant ceramic pitcher that can be joyfully used over and over again.
Three cheers for sunny yellow! A happy pick for men and women, old and young, this sweet, summery arrangement of yellow and white flowers is delivered in our signature Sunny Day Pitcher - a keepsake piece that's perfect for lemonade and barbecues later on!
Three cheers for sunny yellow! A happy pick for men and women, old and young, this sweet, summery arrangement of yellow and white flowers is delivered in our signature Sunny Day Pitcher - a keepsake piece that's perfect for lemonade and barbecues later on!
Light yellow roses and carnations, yellow spray roses, gerberas and alstroemeria, white monte cassino asters and pittosporum arrive in an exclusive yellow keepsake pitcher. Now that's what we call pitcher perfect!
Yellow gerbera daisies, roses, alstroemeria and carnations are mixed with white monte cassino asters and green variegated pittosporum in Teleflora's yellow ceramic Sunny Day Pitcher.
Yellow gerbera daisies, roses, alstroemeria and carnations are mixed with white monte cassino asters and green variegated pittosporum in Teleflora's yellow ceramic Sunny Day Pitcher.
Orientation: All-Around
This ever-popular ceramic pitcher is from Teleflora's celebrated Flowers-in-a-Gift collection. FDA-approved, it's perfect for all occasions.