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Let the sun shine in! Send a smile on any occasion with this best-selling everyday bouquet that spreads the warmth and happiness of summertime. A joyous celebration of friendship, or a fun one to send just because.
Let the sun shine in! Send a smile on any occasion with this best-selling everyday bouquet that spreads the warmth and happiness of summertime. A joyous celebration of friendship, or a fun one to send just because.
Let the sun shine in! Send a smile on any occasion with this best-selling everyday bouquet that spreads the warmth and happiness of summertime. A joyous celebration of friendship, or a fun one to send just because.
This warm yellow assortment of lilies, roses, alstroemeria and assorted greens are presented in a lovely yellow vase that's tied with a yellow bow.
This warm yellow assortment of lilies, roses, alstroemeria and assorted greens are presented in a lovely yellow vase that's tied with a yellow bow.
This warm yellow assortment of lilies, roses, alstroemeria and assorted greens are presented in a lovely yellow vase that's tied with a yellow bow.
Orientation: All-Around
Created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, this cheerful yellow vase will be a favorite for all kinds of bright bouquets.