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Bold and beautiful, this majestic mix of red roses and fresh greens in a large, stone-inspired pot is a show of strength and support.
Bold and beautiful, this majestic mix of red roses and fresh greens in a large, stone-inspired pot is a show of strength and support.
Bold and beautiful, this majestic mix of red roses and fresh greens in a large, stone-inspired pot is a show of strength and support.
Red roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, miniature red carnations, and burgundy stock are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf.
Delivered in Teleflora's Modern Heritage pot.
Red roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, miniature red carnations, and burgundy stock are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf.
Delivered in Teleflora's Modern Heritage pot.
Red roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, miniature red carnations, and burgundy stock are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf.
Delivered in Teleflora's Modern Heritage pot.
Orientation: One-Sided
This is a flowers-in-a -gift selection, limited-edition gift which can be used for years to come. Available exclusively from Teleflora.
Standard -
Strike Price$149.99Current Price$112.49