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A fairy tale of flowers! Send this whimsical, feminine bouquet to your very own princess - or anyone you especially adore. Beautiful hydrangea, fragrant roses and delicate statice in a modern purple vase ensure your lucky recipient will live happily ever after!
A fairy tale of flowers! Send this whimsical, feminine bouquet to your very own princess - or anyone you especially adore. Beautiful hydrangea, fragrant roses and delicate statice in a modern purple vase ensure your lucky recipient will live happily ever after!
A fairy tale of flowers! Send this whimsical, feminine bouquet to your very own princess - or anyone you especially adore. Beautiful hydrangea, fragrant roses and delicate statice in a modern purple vase ensure your lucky recipient will live happily ever after!
Dark pink hydrangea, pink roses and pink carnations are mixed with lavender seafoam statice in Teleflora's deep plum cube vase.
Dark pink hydrangea, pink roses and pink carnations are mixed with lavender seafoam statice in Teleflora's deep plum cube vase.
Dark pink hydrangea, pink roses and pink carnations are mixed with lavender seafoam statice in Teleflora's deep plum cube vase.
Orientation: All-Around
This sleek contemporary red glass cube from Teleflora's Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, adds a dash of color and great for votive candles too!